Sunday, March 21, 2010

Trying something new for dinner.

I have made a change in my eating habits. I can hear the two people who are actually reading this saying, "oh a diet." I would counter your skepticism with a dare, to you, to avoid a fast food window at lunch for three months. I decided around january of 2010 (largely for economic reasons) to stop eating crap handed to me through a window at work. I started in small steps like buying salads from the local grocer at lunch. I never have been a big fan of food, I view it as the necessity it is.

The more I started thinking of what I was eating the more interested I became in making a real change. I started simply by keeping protein bars in my office, a few apples, oranges, and a bag of almonds. I expanded to use the refrigerator at work, I keep blocks of cheese, cottage cheese, deli lunch meat, available and I eat when I'm hungry.

I am sure by now some of you are thinking "oh this is Adkins" or "oh this is the (insert name) diet". The truth is I have talked to some of the guys I workout with and they have given suggestions on what foods are better for certain things and I have tried to incorporate them into what I eat. I have also started to take a little closer look at the people around me and their eating habits. I have some great people around who are eager to help me learn things.
There are nights that my Wife works in the evenings, and the kids and I are left to our own devices. They are little and can't cook for me, so I cook for them. In the interest of making something that is pretty simple and quick, we eat chicken off the grill and a bag of steamed veggies from the microwave. The kids enjoy it and call it Daddy dinner. I have expanded the Daddy dinner from beef & chicken, to include fish.

I sent a message to a friend who was all to happy to give me instructions on how to grill salmon. So with the instrucions in my mind and a few minutes online checking different methods, I went to the grocery with a list in hand.

I prepared the salmon which was easier than I expected, and went to the grill. I made the preparations needed at the grill and started the process. I was a little nervous mostly because it was somehting I had never done.

I am very proud to say it turned out wonderfully. I enjoyed it, and so did my Daughter, my Son had chicken strips and fries from the oven. I hope this leads to expanding the foods we eat here at home and our overall well being.

To those of you thinking I may have lost my mind, I brewed a Belgian IPA last week that is bubbling in the fermentor as I type this. No I have not given up all things bad for me, just carbs, starches, soda. Enjoy your next meal and consider trying something new for dinner.