Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Blue Tie

I have worn my blue tie with various shirt and suit combinations over the last two years as a Police Detective. I have never given much thought to my blue tie it matches some shirts and suits. I have spent my entire adult life preparing for the worst possible scenarios, while serving in the Marines, in Law enforcement. I say that because it is important to understand I am not in denial about the danger posed to us in our most mundane tasks as Police officers. The feelings of shock and disbelief surrounding the tragic and senseless shooting of Deputy Hopper are shared by the entire Law Enforcement community.

I was going about my New Years day like everyone else, but that is not true at all. There are those of our community who at a time when having the pager go off for a call out was the last thing were thinking of or expecting on a Saturday morning. When the call did go out Deputies, Officers, and Troopers dropped everything and drove from all points to the call for assistance. I know that every effort was made to render aid to a downed Sister, and I want to thank everyone that responded. If it were possible I would grab each of the responders in a big hug and just tell them, I know they tried and I love them for that.

I was getting ready for work on Tuesday and noticed for the first time there was black in my blue tie. I never until that day noticed the similarity in the fine detail of my blue tie and the thin blue line emblem it clearly displayed. This blue tie that I have worn countless times was different there was a small amount of black where I had not noticed it before. I know there is dark in the world and it was on display at Enon beach, but it was overshadowed by the blue and the outpouring of love and courage displayed by the blue. So although my blue tie has a small amount of black in it, my tie will always be BLUE.